Government Transparency


In government and politics, transparency is used as a means of insuring a clear and open government, essential as a vital and critical component of any democratic and republic form of government. Transparency and proper notice to the public to observe and as allowable to participate in debate and discussion is integral for democracy to succeed and thereby preserve the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution. It is what holds government institutions in service to the people. Transparency, review and oversight are obligations of government to the people.

Open government that is transparent in its function acts to hold public officials accountable. In doing so, it establishes a standard of performance and conduct that is service to the people. Everything needs to be in the “sunshine” – it is what makes for good government and it fights active and passive corruption. The people have a right to an efficient government – in part that is what taxes are for. Public revenue collection requires efficiency of performance. “Sunshine” is under which government is obliged to operate.

Sunshine Laws Sunshine laws)

Sunshine laws are regulations requiring transparency and disclosure in government or business. Sunshine laws make meetings, records, votes, deliberations, and other official actions available for public observation, participation, and/or inspection. Sunshine laws also require government meetings to be held with sufficient advance notice and at times and places that are convenient and accessible to the public, with exceptions for emergency meetings. • Sunshine laws stipulate that certain business operations or government activities provide open transparency and disclosure to the public or upon inquiry • The purpose of these laws is to promote ethical standards, prevent fraud and corruption, and by doing so engender greater public trust Sunshine laws are in place to ensure certain activities are conducted in an open and ethical nature. This allows members of the public to bear witness to certain activities or to request access to records pertaining to certain topics. They are designed to limit corruption within the affected organizations and increase public trust through willing transparency.


Transparency is vital to cultivate public trust in government. "The greater the number of temptations to which the exercise of political power is exposed, the more necessary is it to give those who possess it, the most powerful reasons for resisting them. But there is no reason more constant and more universal than the superintendence of the public" (Bentham, 1816/1999, p. 29).

Prepared by: ‘Shaan’ Shahrukh Dhanji


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